Stop and watch a sunset this summer
On vacations to the beach, watching a sunrise or sunset is not to be missed. At home, we often forget how cathartic this daily ritual can be.
But our limited travel during the global pandemic led to us rediscovering our neighborhood while on walks and appreciating everyday things that we’d otherwise overlook, including watching the sunset.
We can’t fully see the setting sun from where we live, as the view is obstructed by trees. So we sought out a location with more space – Whetstone Park – and planted ourselves near an open field.
We were surprised to see others doing the same thing. Some people made comfortable spots in their hatchbacks and tucked themselves under blankets. Others propped portable chairs in the field or crouched in the grass, facing west.
We’ve begun to note when the sun is setting by using weather apps. Then, we go somewhere with enough space to view it. We arrive 30 minutes before the sun goes down to watch the sky change color and to appreciate the light on the clouds.
Find a spot where you can view the sunset. Below are some spacious central Ohio locations based on sunset photos posted on Instagram:
Here are some weather conditions that may predict an especially pretty sunset:
- Low humidity
- Partial cloud coverage
- Prior rainfall, up to several hours before sunset
- Good visibility
- Low wind